English Learner & Migrant Education

The English Learner and Migrant Education Program focuses on the needs of English Learner (EL) and Migrant learners. We help to ensure that Migrant students receive the support and education they need when moving from one school to another. We provide educational and supportive services so that each child receives the same opportunities and academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet so they overcome barriers and transition into postsecondary education and employment.

In the Filer School District our goals for our Migrant Families and English language leaners are to provide your children with the help and resources they need to do be successful in school. To do this we may place your child in the ELL program to help them learn the necessary English language skills. We may also help them in a smaller group setting for math or reading skills. For the older students we can help them with graduation needs, such as credit recovery or beginning their first year of college. For your young adult children up to 22 years old, we may be able to help them obtain a G.E.D or enter into college as well. We can also help your family contact other services you may need such as assistance with food or housing. We have your child's best interest in mind and will what we can to help them succeed in school.

El distrito escolar de Filer, tiene como plan para las familias migrants con hijos el de proveer ayuda y recursos que necesiten para salir adelante en la escuela. Para lograr este objetivo es necesario inscribir al/la estudiante en el programa ELL para ayudarlos a que aprendan inglés o que lo mejoren. También hemos creado grupos pequeños de estudio para ayudarlos con matemáticas y lectura. Para estudiantes mayores o de grados avanzados, podemos ayudarlos con su graduación de estudios, como recuperar su crédito, como empezar su primer año de universidad o colegio. Para los estudiantes mayores de 18 años hasta 22 años, podemos ayudarles a conseguir su G.E.D y a continuar con la universidad o colegio. También, podemos ayudar a su familia a contactar otros servicios de ayuda o asistencia para la vivienda o comida. A nosotros nos interesa el poder ayudar a sus hijos a estudiar y a graduarse en sus estudios.

Migrant Education Program:

Links to Services:

ELL & Migrant Contacts